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A Better Community starts with you!

Re-educate: Change your mind set: Influence others!

Join us in making a better community for all we are a diverse and inclusive group that believe in equality and justice for all

Join us on Facebook and Instagram

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Help us bring about positive change and improve the lives of Black people and other Ethnic Minority Groups through educcation, training and action.

A Better Community’s goal is to stand up and speak out about systemic racism and the unfair treatment of People of colour in our communities.

The fight against racism starts in the mind and we wants to provide the resources to help empower people so they can challenge the racist practices embedded in ourselves and society.

What is systemic racism?

Systemic racism is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organisation. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues

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How can you help ABC challenge the injustices against people of colour? By becoming an Ally to the cause and an influencer of change.

What is an ally?

Being an ally means being willing to act with and for others in pursuit of ending oppression and creating equality. Allyship is an action.

10 tips on being an effective Ally

  1. Be aware that you may have certain privileges

  2. Listen and learn

  3. Use your voice, speak out about things that don't feel right

  4. Be prepared to do the work

  5. Diversify your social media and follow those with different experiences from yourself 7

  6. Talk with your family and friends about racism

  7. Use your privilege to champion historically suppressed voices

  8. Donate to organisations that work towards fixing racial injustices

  9. Its ok to change your opinion after learning something new

  10. Try to remain hopeful and be motivated by love